In front of a hundred parents and health professionals, Pascale de Lonlay, professor at Necker Hospital in charge of hereditary metabolic diseases, participated in a conference on the specificities of orphan diseases :
(interview published in l'est républicain in 2013)
Texte 1 : Professor Pascale de Lonlay and orphan diseases..
In order to supervise the practices of medical genetics, several public authorities work together:
Texte 2 : Medical genetics in France..
Genetic tests, research, consultations... Because medical genetics has ethical and psychological consequences, it is necessary to regulate its practice.
In France, it is regulated by the bioethics laws and their application decrees. These texts, of a legislative and regulatory nature, establish an official legal framework that evolves according to scientific discoveries and ethical reflections.
Texte 3 : Bioethics laws and their application decrees.
Medical genetics is a complex subject that requires special support.
During your care, you will certainly meet several professionals specialized in this field.
specialized in this field.
Who are they, and what do they do?
Texte 4 : Trained professionals.
What is a clinical trial in medical research?
Texte 5 : Clinical trials in medical research